Tapis roulant aquatique pour humains


In the context of the Economic Future Programme (ZPW) of the state of Schleswig-Holstein the company PHYSIO-TECH GmbH will be promoted with funds from the Joint Agreement for the Improvement of Regional Economic Structures (GRW) within the scope ''Business Innovations''.

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PHYSIO-TECH strives for the development of a therapeutic device which meets, in accordance with the underwater treadmill for dogs, the requirements of a medical device for humans. Equipped with a glass-enclosed walk-in the medical staff can observe the movements of the patient and the training effect can be controlled individually. Pre-programmed plans are also available. With the help of sensors and specifically developed software the desired weight of the patient during treatment can be adjusted. And with its minimal space requirements the underwater treadmill for humans is easily integrated into the existing practices.
Revue de pressePHYSIO-TECH – eine Ideenschmiede für die Genesung
Kieler Nachrichten, 08.10.2010